速報APP / 生產應用 / Scene Pal

Scene Pal





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:72 Collins Avenue Nassau, Bahamas

Scene Pal(圖1)-速報App

A new, innovative app that allows actors to fully rehearse lines with artist alike for in person auditions, self tapes and to film on camera for film or television.

Scene Pal(圖2)-速報App

Scene Pal allows you to network with artist in film and television. Users have the ability to add new friends, meet and network with others in your region/area to connect, share knowledge and insight along with its staple function; aid actors to run and memorize lines directly through the app.

Scene Pal(圖3)-速報App

This is the best app to use for self tape or auditions; making it easier, simpler and quicker to memorize lines. Scene Pal also allows users to self tape without a partner, studies found this feature to be a highly requested among actors in major markets such as NY/LA, along with smaller markets such as Chi and NOLA.

Scene Pal(圖4)-速報App

Features of the app include:

Scene Pal(圖5)-速報App

* Allows you to import scripts straight from email.

Scene Pal(圖6)-速報App

* Highlight lines that you want your scene pal (reader) to read.

Scene Pal(圖7)-速報App

* You are able to create a ‘friends list’ of readers to use; you have the ability to browse and search users based off your immediate geographical area or contacts stored in your phone.

Scene Pal(圖8)-速報App

* Specify instructions to reader regarding pacing, timing, and delivery.

* Specify which reader or ‘friend from your list’ will be used for each set of sides based on the character (male, female, character type).

* You are able to begin rehearsing your lines with a real voice, practice over and over again without relying on one person; now you have a pool of actors to choose from.

* You can film self tapes without a partner, record until you are satisfied, and avoid feeling ‘rushed’ to film within a time frame.

Build your network of colleagues through scene pal. Along with your additional friends list, browse other users' profiles to find like-minded artists to create a supportive community and exchange knowledge.